KCD Careers

Careers and University guidance sessions are planned by the Careers and University counsellor in consultation with the Heads of Year and are carried out in PSE lessons. In the Senior school, pupils from Year 7 to Year 13 focus on their academic and personal strengths and qualities, interests, and passions to research careers and pathways using the Best Fit approach for every individual pupil. Sessions in Years 9 and 11 are particularly geared towards supporting pupils make their option choices for year 10 and then again for Post 16 study in the Sixth Form. Pupils in Years 12 and 13 dedicate most of their sessions to choosing university courses and preparing to apply for their degrees. This is supported by the Careers and University counsellor, tutors, and key specialist teachers.  The school uses “Unifrog” as a careers and university portal to support pupils with careers and personality profiling quizzes, career and subject suggestions and information, as well as a vast array of university course information from universities all around the world. This is fitting for our international pupil body who apply to universities in the UK, USA, Canada, UAE, Jordan, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa to name just some of the most popular destinations.

Pupils and parents are invited to arrange meetings with the Careers and University counsellor to discuss their intentions and plan next steps in the pupil’s education and career journey. Pupils receive individual support based on their intended destinations to ensure they are well equipped to submit the most effective applications in today’s competitive environment for university places.

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