GCSE - Kent College Dubai


Years 10 & 11

Bespoke timetabling

GCSE ­pupils are expected to follow a core programme that reflects the key subjects noted by the DSIB: Arabic and Islamic Studies for appropriate pupils, as well as English, Mathematics and Science for all pupils. Pupils follow a programme of between 6 and 12 subjects, appropriate to their ability, with extra lessons provided in core subjects where necessary to ensure success. Following the lead set by our sister school in Canterbury, there is a strong element of flexibility to allow courses to be tailor-made for each individual. There is more detailed information about GCSEs in the GCSEs Options Site.

Subjects offered for GCSE
Core GCSE subjectsOptional GCSE subjects – choose 4 from
English (Language and Literature)Arabic
MathematicsArt & Design
BiologyBusiness Studies
ChemistryDesign Technology
Islamic Studies (non-examined) French
PHSE (non-examined) Geography
Physical Education
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